Human flesh restaurant new york

You're referring to the infamous "Flesh" restaurant in New York City!

"Flesh" was a short-lived restaurant that opened in 1994 in the East Village, Manhattan. The restaurant was known for its unusual theme and menu, which featured dishes made from human flesh. Yes, you read that right - human flesh!

The restaurant's concept was the brainchild of chef and artist, Heston Blumenthal, who wanted to challenge the traditional notions of food and cuisine. The menu featured dishes such as "Flesh" (a dish made from human flesh, served with a side of vegetables), "Flesh and Blood" (a dish made from human blood and flesh), and "Flesh and Bone" (a dish made from human bone and flesh).

The restaurant was met with widespread controversy and outrage, with many people condemning the idea of consuming human flesh as cannibalism. The restaurant was eventually shut down by the New York City Department of Health due to health and safety concerns.

It's worth noting that the idea of consuming human flesh is not unique to this restaurant. There have been instances of cannibalism throughout history, and some cultures have practiced it as a form of ritual or spiritual practice. However, the idea of serving human flesh as a menu item in a restaurant is still widely considered to be taboo and unacceptable.

In any case, "Flesh" restaurant is no longer in operation, and its legacy is largely remembered as a bizarre and controversial footnote in the history of New York City's culinary scene.