Huey lewis and the news sports

A classic! Huey Lewis and the News is an American rock band known for their catchy, upbeat songs and witty lyrics. Here are some of their most popular songs from the Sports album, released in 1983:

  1. "The Heart of Rock & Roll" - The album's lead single, a nostalgic tribute to the power of rock music.
  2. "If This Is It" - A fun, upbeat track with a memorable chorus and a nod to the band's new wave influences.
  3. "Going Back to Cali" - A funky, guitar-driven song with a laid-back California vibe.
  4. "Stuck with You" - A catchy, pop-infused track with a sing-along chorus.
  5. "Tycoon" - A tongue-in-cheek song about the excesses of wealth and fame.
  6. "Hip to Be Square" - A humorous, synth-heavy track that pokes fun at the pretensions of the 1980s yuppie culture.
  7. "Bad Is Bad" - A high-energy song with a driving beat and a message about the importance of doing what's right.
  8. "I Know What I Like" - A catchy, guitar-driven track with a nod to the band's roots in rock and roll.
  9. "The Late Show" - A slow-burning ballad with a soaring chorus and a nod to the band's ability to craft memorable melodies.
  10. "When the World Was Young" - A nostalgic, piano-driven track that looks back on the past with a sense of longing.

The Sports album was a commercial success, reaching #7 on the US Billboard 200 chart and spawning several hit singles. It's considered one of the band's best works, and its blend of rock, pop, and new wave influences has made it a beloved classic of the 1980s.