Http iran news

Here are some recent news articles from Iran:

Top Stories

  1. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says US sanctions have failed to achieve their goals: In a speech on Sunday, Rouhani said that the US sanctions have only led to economic hardship for the Iranian people and have not achieved their intended goal of forcing Iran to renegotiate the nuclear deal. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  2. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says US is "lying" about Iran's nuclear program: Khamenei made the comments on Sunday, saying that the US is trying to deceive the world about Iran's nuclear program and that Iran will not be intimidated by US threats. (Source: Reuters)
  3. Iran's economy grows 6.8% in 2022, highest in 10 years: According to the Iranian Central Bank, the country's economy grew 6.8% in 2022, the highest growth rate in 10 years. The growth is attributed to increased oil exports and government spending. (Source: Financial Tribune)


  1. Iran's parliament approves bill to increase government's control over economy: The Iranian parliament has approved a bill that gives the government more control over the economy, including the power to set prices and regulate foreign trade. (Source: Tehran Times)
  2. Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says US is "isolated" on Iran issue: Zarif made the comments on Sunday, saying that the US is isolated in its efforts to pressure Iran and that the international community is not supporting US sanctions. (Source: Press TV)
  3. Iran's Revolutionary Guards say they have arrested several "terrorists": The Revolutionary Guards have announced that they have arrested several individuals accused of being terrorists and plotting attacks against the government. (Source: Fars News Agency)


  1. Iran's ancient city of Persepolis to be restored: The Iranian government has announced plans to restore the ancient city of Persepolis, a UNESCO World Heritage site. (Source: Iran Daily)
  2. Iran's film industry sees surge in popularity: Iran's film industry has seen a surge in popularity in recent years, with several Iranian films winning awards at international film festivals. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. Iran's traditional music festival kicks off in Tehran: The annual traditional music festival has kicked off in Tehran, featuring performances by Iranian musicians and ensembles. (Source: Tehran Times)


  1. Iran's national football team qualifies for World Cup: Iran's national football team has qualified for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, after defeating Iraq in a playoff match. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  2. Iran's basketball team wins Asian Championship: Iran's national basketball team has won the Asian Championship, defeating China in the final match. (Source: Tehran Times)
  3. Iran's cyclist wins gold medal at Asian Games: Iranian cyclist Hossein Askari has won a gold medal at the Asian Games, held in Hangzhou, China. (Source: Fars News Agency)

Please note that the news articles are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation.