Html new line without br

There are a few ways to create a new line in HTML without using the <br> tag:

  1. Use the <p> tag: Wrap your text in a paragraph tag (<p>) to create a new line.
    <p>This is a new line.</p>
  2. Use the <span> tag with a style attribute: Add a style attribute to a <span> tag to create a new line.
    <span style="white-space: pre-line;">This is a new line.</span>
  3. Use the &#13; character: The &#13; character represents a newline character in HTML. You can use it to create a new line.
    This is a new line.&#13;This is another new line.
  4. Use the &#10; character: The &#10; character represents a line feed character in HTML. You can use it to create a new line.
    This is a new line.&#10;This is another new line.
  5. Use the &nbsp; character: The &nbsp; character represents a non-breaking space character in HTML. You can use it to create a new line.
    This is a new line.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is another new line.

    Note that the &nbsp; character will create a new line, but it will also add extra spaces before the next line.

It's worth noting that using the <br> tag is generally the most straightforward and widely supported way to create a new line in HTML.