Html new line in string

In HTML, you can create a new line in a string using the <br> tag or the \n character.

Method 1: Using the <br> tag

You can wrap the string in a <br> tag to create a new line:

<p>This is a string with a new line:<br>This is the next line.</p>

This will render as:

This is a string with a new line: This is the next line.

Method 2: Using the \n character

You can use the \n character to create a new line in a string:

<p>This is a string with a new line:\nThis is the next line.</p>

This will also render as:

This is a string with a new line: This is the next line.

Note that the \n character is a special character in HTML, and it will be interpreted as a new line. You can use it in combination with other HTML elements, such as <p> or <span> tags, to create a new line.

Method 3: Using the &#13; character

Another way to create a new line is to use the &#13; character, which is the Unicode character for a newline:

<p>This is a string with a new line:&#13;This is the next line.</p>

This will also render as:

This is a string with a new line: This is the next line.

It's worth noting that the &#13; character is not as widely supported as the \n character, so you may want to use the \n character instead.