Html code to open link in new tab

To open a link in a new tab, you can use the target attribute in the a tag and set its value to _blank. Here is an example:

<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Open in new tab</a>

This will open the link in a new tab when the link is clicked.

You can also use the rel attribute to specify that the link should be opened in a new tab. Here is an example:

<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Open in new tab</a>

The rel attribute is optional, but it's a good practice to include it to prevent the new tab from being able to access the parent window.

Note that the target attribute can also be set to _self to open the link in the same tab, _parent to open the link in the parent frame, or _top to open the link in the full body of the window.