How to write a press release for a new business

A press release is a formal announcement that provides information about a new business, its products or services, and its mission. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a press release for a new business:

Before You Start

  1. Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with your press release? Is it to generate buzz, attract investors, or announce a new product?
  2. Identify your target audience: Who do you want to reach with your press release? Is it local media, industry publications, or online news outlets?
  3. Research your competition: Look at what other businesses in your industry are doing to get an idea of what works and what doesn't.

The Structure of a Press Release

A press release typically follows a standard structure:

  1. Headline: A concise and attention-grabbing headline that summarizes the main point of the press release.
  2. Dateline: The city and date of the press release.
  3. Introduction: A brief overview of the business and its purpose.
  4. Body: The main content of the press release, which should provide more details about the business, its products or services, and its mission.
  5. Quote: A quote from a key person in the business, such as the CEO or founder.
  6. Boilerplate: A brief summary of the business and its products or services.
  7. Contact Information: The contact information of the person or department responsible for handling media inquiries.

Writing the Press Release

  1. Headline: Keep it short, concise, and attention-grabbing. Use keywords relevant to your business.
  2. Introduction: Introduce your business and its purpose in a few sentences. Keep it brief and to the point.
  3. Body: Provide more details about your business, its products or services, and its mission. Use clear and concise language.
  4. Quote: Choose a key person in the business to provide a quote. Keep it brief and relevant to the press release.
  5. Boilerplate: Provide a brief summary of your business and its products or services. This should be a few sentences long.
  6. Contact Information: Provide the contact information of the person or department responsible for handling media inquiries.

Example of a Press Release for a New Business

Headline: [Business Name] Launches [Product/Service], Revolutionizing [Industry]

Dateline: [City, State] – [Date]

Introduction: [Business Name], a new [industry/sector] company, is proud to announce the launch of [product/service], a game-changing [product/service] that is set to revolutionize the way [industry/sector] operates.

Body: [Product/service] is designed to [briefly describe the product/service and its benefits]. With [key feature 1], [key feature 2], and [key feature 3], [product/service] is poised to [briefly describe the impact it will have on the industry].

Quote: "We are thrilled to bring [product/service] to the market," said [CEO/Founder Name]. "Our goal is to [briefly describe the company's mission and goals]."

Boilerplate: [Business Name] is a [briefly describe the company and its products or services]. With a team of [number] experienced professionals, [Business Name] is committed to [briefly describe the company's mission and values].

Contact Information: For more information, please contact [Name] at [Email] or [Phone].

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Keep it concise: Aim for a length of 300-500 words.
  2. Use a formal tone: Avoid using slang, jargon, or overly technical language.
  3. Use keywords: Include relevant keywords to help your press release get found by search engines.
  4. Proofread: Carefully proofread your press release to ensure it is error-free and easy to read.
  5. Distribute widely: Distribute your press release to relevant media outlets, industry publications, and online news outlets.
  6. Follow up: Follow up with media outlets and industry publications to ensure they received your press release and to answer any questions they may have.

By following these tips and best practices, you can create a effective press release that helps your new business get noticed and generates buzz in the industry.