How to write a news story from a press release

Writing a news story from a press release requires some skill and creativity. Here are some tips to help you transform a press release into a compelling news story:

  1. Read the press release carefully: Understand the main message, key points, and any supporting information provided.
  2. Identify the news angle: Determine what makes the story newsworthy and what will grab the reader's attention. This might be a unique statistic, a quote from an expert, or a human interest angle.
  3. Write a compelling headline: Craft a headline that accurately reflects the story and is attention-grabbing. Avoid using the same headline as the press release.
  4. Start with a strong lead: Begin your story with a sentence or two that sets the scene and grabs the reader's attention. This should be a summary of the main point, not a repetition of the press release's opening sentence.
  5. Use quotes effectively: Quotes from key individuals can add depth and context to your story. Use them to support your narrative and provide additional insights.
  6. Add context and background information: Provide some background information to help readers understand the significance of the story. This might include statistics, industry trends, or relevant events.
  7. Use a conversational tone: Write in a clear, concise, and engaging style. Avoid using jargon or overly technical language.
  8. Include relevant details: Provide specific details, such as dates, times, locations, and numbers, to make the story more concrete and interesting.
  9. Use active voice: Write in the active voice, as it tends to be more engaging and easier to read than the passive voice.
  10. Edit and proofread: Review your story carefully to ensure it is accurate, concise, and free of errors.

Here's a sample outline to help you structure your news story:

I. Introduction

II. Background

III. Main Point

IV. Additional Information

V. Conclusion

Here's an example of how you might write a news story from a press release:

Original Press Release:

"John Smith, CEO of XYZ Corporation, announced today that the company has launched a new product line. The new products are designed to improve customer experience and increase efficiency. 'We are excited to bring these innovative products to market,' said Smith. 'Our customers will benefit from improved performance and reduced costs.'"

News Story:

"XYZ Corporation Unveils New Product Line to Boost Customer Experience

In a move to improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs, XYZ Corporation has launched a new product line designed to increase efficiency and performance. According to CEO John Smith, the new products are a game-changer for the company's customers.

'Since our founding, we've been committed to delivering the best possible experience for our customers,' said Smith. 'These new products are a natural extension of that commitment. We're confident that they will make a significant impact on our customers' bottom line.'

The new product line is the result of extensive research and development, with a focus on improving customer experience and reducing costs. With the new products, customers can expect to see improved performance and reduced maintenance costs.

The launch of the new product line is a significant milestone for XYZ Corporation, which has been a leader in the industry for over 20 years. The company is committed to continuing to innovate and deliver value to its customers."

Remember to always fact-check and verify the information provided in the press release before writing your news story.