How to write a news report for students

Writing a news report for students can be a fun and engaging way to develop their writing and research skills. Here's a step-by-step guide to help students write a news report:

Step 1: Choose a Topic

Step 2: Research the Topic

Step 3: Write the Lead

Step 4: Write the Body

Step 5: Write the Conclusion

Step 6: Edit and Revise

Step 7: Format the Report

Tips and Reminders

Example of a News Report for Students

Headline: Local Park Renovation Project Underway

Date: March 10, 2023

Byline: Emily Johnson

Lead: The city's oldest park is getting a major makeover, with a $1 million renovation project underway to improve its playground, walking trails, and community center.

Body: The project, which began last month, is expected to take six months to complete. The city council voted to allocate the funds for the renovation after a community survey showed that the park was in need of repairs and upgrades. "We're excited to see the park transformed into a safe and welcoming space for our residents," said Mayor Sarah Johnson.

Conclusion: The renovation project is expected to have a positive impact on the community, providing a safe and enjoyable space for residents to exercise, socialize, and spend time with family. The city council plans to host a grand reopening ceremony once the project is complete.
