How to transfer website to new domain

Transferring a website to a new domain involves several steps, which I'll outline below. Please note that the specific steps may vary depending on your website's platform, hosting provider, and domain registrar.

Step 1: Prepare Your New Domain

  1. Register your new domain name with a domain registrar (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc.).
  2. Set up DNS (Domain Name System) settings for your new domain. You can usually do this through your domain registrar's control panel.

Step 2: Update DNS Settings

  1. Update your website's DNS settings to point to your new domain. This may involve updating the following records:
    • A record (IP address): points your domain to your website's IP address.
    • CNAME record (Canonical Name): points your domain to your website's canonical name.
    • MX record (Mail Exchanger): points your domain to your email server.
  2. Verify that your DNS changes have propagated by checking your domain's DNS records using a tool like

Step 3: Update Website Configuration

  1. Update your website's configuration files (e.g., wp-config.php for WordPress) to reflect the new domain name.
  2. Update any hardcoded URLs or references to your old domain name.

Step 4: Update Website Files

  1. Update your website's files to reflect the new domain name. This may involve updating:
    • HTML files: update any hardcoded URLs or references to your old domain name.
    • CSS files: update any hardcoded URLs or references to your old domain name.
    • JavaScript files: update any hardcoded URLs or references to your old domain name.
  2. Verify that all files have been updated correctly by checking your website's pages and functionality.

Step 5: Update Website Settings

  1. Update your website's settings to reflect the new domain name. This may involve updating:
    • Website settings: update any settings that reference your old domain name.
    • Email settings: update any email settings that reference your old domain name.
  2. Verify that all settings have been updated correctly by checking your website's functionality.

Step 6: Update Search Engine Listings

  1. Update your website's search engine listings (e.g., Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools) to reflect the new domain name.
  2. Submit your new domain to search engines to ensure it's indexed correctly.

Step 7: Test Your Website

  1. Test your website thoroughly to ensure it's functioning correctly on the new domain.
  2. Verify that all pages, links, and functionality are working as expected.

Additional Tips

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully transfer your website to a new domain.