How to transfer a wordpress website to a new domain

Transferring a WordPress website to a new domain can be a bit of a process, but it's definitely doable. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through it:

Before you start:

  1. Backup your website: Before making any changes, make sure to backup your website using a plugin like UpdraftPlus or Duplicator.
  2. Update your DNS: Update your DNS settings to point to the new domain. This may take some time to propagate, so be patient.
  3. Check your hosting: Ensure that your hosting provider allows you to transfer domains and that you have the necessary permissions.

Step 1: Update your WordPress configuration

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Settings > General.
  2. Update the WordPress Address and Site Address fields to reflect the new domain.
  3. Save your changes.

Step 2: Update your database

  1. Use a plugin like WP Migrate DB or Duplicator to export your database and update the domain names.
  2. If you're using a plugin like WP Rocket, you may need to update the cache settings.

Step 3: Update your theme and plugins

  1. Update your theme and plugins to ensure they're compatible with the new domain.
  2. Check for any theme or plugin updates that may be required.

Step 4: Update your URLs

  1. Use a plugin like Velvet Blues Update URLs or Better Search Replace to update all URLs in your database to reflect the new domain.
  2. This will update internal links, images, and other URLs on your website.

Step 5: Update your DNS

  1. Once you've updated your WordPress configuration, database, and URLs, update your DNS settings to point to the new domain.
  2. This may take some time to propagate, so be patient.

Step 6: Test your website

  1. Test your website to ensure everything is working as expected.
  2. Check for any broken links or images.

Step 7: Update your analytics and tracking codes

  1. Update your analytics and tracking codes to reflect the new domain.
  2. This includes Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and any other tracking codes you may be using.

Step 8: Update your social media profiles

  1. Update your social media profiles to reflect the new domain.
  2. This includes your Facebook page, Twitter handle, and any other social media profiles you may have.

Step 9: Monitor your website

  1. Monitor your website for any issues or errors.
  2. Check your website's performance and make any necessary adjustments.

That's it! With these steps, you should be able to successfully transfer your WordPress website to a new domain.