How to text someone new

The art of texting someone new! Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Keep it casual: Texting is a casual form of communication, so keep your tone light and friendly.
  2. Start with a hello: Begin with a simple "hello" or "hi, how are you?" to break the ice.
  3. Be clear and concise: Keep your messages short and to the point. Avoid using jargon or overly complex language.
  4. Show interest: Ask questions about the other person's interests, hobbies, or work to show you're interested in getting to know them.
  5. Keep it positive: Focus on positive topics and avoid complaining or talking about negative things.
  6. Use emojis: Emojis can help add tone and personality to your texts, but use them sparingly to avoid coming across as too casual.
  7. Don't overtext: It's okay to send a few texts in a row, but don't bombard the other person with too many messages at once.
  8. Be respectful: Remember that the other person is a real person with their own thoughts and feelings. Avoid being too pushy or aggressive.
  9. Use proper grammar and spelling: Make sure to proofread your texts to avoid mistakes that could make you look careless.
  10. Be yourself: Authenticity is key in any form of communication. Be yourself, and don't try to be someone you're not.

Here's an example of a good first text:

"Hey [Name], how's it going? I saw your post about [shared interest] and thought it was really cool. What do you like about it?"

And here's an example of a good follow-up text:

"Hey [Name], hope you're doing well! I was thinking about [shared interest] and was wondering if you've tried [related activity]."

Remember, the key is to be friendly, respectful, and genuine in your texts. Good luck! 😊