How to talk about stds with a new partner

The age-old topic of discussing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) with a new partner! It's essential to have an open and honest conversation about this topic to ensure both parties are comfortable and protected. Here are some tips to help you have this conversation with a new partner:

  1. Choose the right time and place: Find a private and comfortable setting where you both feel relaxed. Avoid bringing it up in the heat of the moment or when you're in a rush.
  2. Be honest and direct: Start by expressing your concern for your partner's health and your own. You can say something like, "I want to talk to you about STDs. I care about your health and my own, and I think it's important we discuss this."
  3. Use "I" statements: Instead of accusing or blaming your partner, use "I" statements to express your feelings and concerns. For example, "I'm worried about getting an STD, and I want to make sure we take precautions."
  4. Ask open-ended questions: Encourage your partner to share their thoughts and feelings by asking open-ended questions. For example, "Have you ever had an STD test?" or "How do you feel about getting tested?"
  5. Discuss your sexual history: Share your own sexual history, including any previous partners, sexual encounters, and any STDs you may have had. This can help your partner feel more comfortable sharing their own information.
  6. Talk about testing and treatment: Discuss your testing history and any treatments you've received. You can also ask your partner about their testing history and any treatments they may have received.
  7. Use condoms and other protection: Emphasize the importance of using condoms and other forms of protection, such as dental dams, during sexual encounters.
  8. Be respectful and non-judgmental: Remember that everyone has their own experiences and concerns when it comes to STDs. Be respectful and non-judgmental in your conversation, and avoid making your partner feel ashamed or embarrassed.
  9. Consider getting tested together: Suggest getting tested together, which can be a great way to show your commitment to your partner's health and your own.
  10. Follow up and follow through: After the conversation, make sure to follow up and follow through on any agreements you made. This can include getting tested regularly, using protection consistently, and being open and honest about any changes in your sexual health.

Some example scripts to help you get started:

Remember, having an open and honest conversation about STDs is an important part of any romantic or sexual relationship. By being respectful, non-judgmental, and open-minded, you can help create a safe and healthy environment for both you and your partner.