How to submit new version to app store

To submit a new version of your app to the App Store, follow these steps:

Before submitting:

  1. Test your app: Make sure your app is thoroughly tested and works as expected on various devices and iOS versions.
  2. Update your app's version number: Increment the version number in your app's Info.plist file to reflect the changes you've made.
  3. Create an archive: Use Xcode to create an archive of your app. Go to Product > Archive or use the Archive button in the top-right corner of the Xcode window.
  4. Export the archive: Go to Window > Organizer and select the archive you just created. Click the Export... button and choose Export as a.ipafile.

Submitting to the App Store:

  1. Create a new version: Log in to the App Store Connect website ( and go to the My Apps tab.
  2. Select your app: Choose the app you want to update from the list.
  3. Create a new version: Click the + button next to Version and enter the new version number.
  4. Upload the archive: Click the Upload button and select the .ipa file you exported earlier.
  5. Fill in the release notes: Enter a brief description of the changes you've made in the Release Notes field.
  6. Submit for review: Click the Submit for Review button to submit your app for review by Apple.

Waiting for review:

  1. Wait for Apple's review: Apple will review your app to ensure it meets their guidelines and is free of bugs.
  2. Address any issues: If Apple finds any issues, you'll receive an email with a list of issues to address. Make the necessary changes and resubmit your app.
  3. Wait for approval: Once your app passes review, it will be approved and available for download on the App Store.

Additional tips:

Remember to always follow Apple's guidelines and review policies to ensure your app is accepted and remains available on the App Store.