How to start news in school assembly in english

Here are a few ways to start a news segment in a school assembly in English:

  1. Catchy Introduction: "Good morning/afternoon students and teachers! Welcome to our school assembly news segment, where we bring you the latest updates and happenings from around our school and community!"
  2. Intriguing Question: "What's been happening in our school lately? Let's find out in our news segment today!"
  3. Fun Fact: "Did you know that [insert interesting fact about the school or community]? Well, we've got more exciting news to share with you today!"
  4. Personalized Greeting: "Hello everyone! I'm [Your Name], and I'm excited to bring you the latest news from our school. Let's get started!"
  5. Short Story: "Imagine walking into school and finding out that [insert surprising or interesting event]. Well, that's exactly what happened recently, and we're here to tell you all about it!"
  6. Quote or Joke: "As the great [Author/Comedian] once said, '[Quote]' Well, we're here to bring you the news that's 'on point' today!"
  7. Visual Introduction: "Good morning/afternoon everyone! Let's take a look at some of the exciting things that have been happening in our school lately... [Show a slideshow or video]"

Remember to keep your introduction brief, engaging, and relevant to your audience. You can also add some music or sound effects to make it more lively and attention-grabbing. Good luck!