How to start a new paragraph in word

To start a new paragraph in Microsoft Word, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Press Enter twice: Simply press the Enter key on your keyboard twice to create a new paragraph.
  2. Use the "Enter" key and the "Paragraph" button: Place your cursor where you want to start the new paragraph, then press the Enter key and click on the "Paragraph" button in the "Home" tab of the ribbon. This will create a new paragraph and indent the first line.
  3. Use the "Shift + Enter" keys: Press the Shift key and the Enter key at the same time to create a new paragraph without moving to a new line.
  4. Use the "Insert" menu: Go to the "Insert" menu, then click on "Break" and select "Paragraph" to create a new paragraph.
  5. Use the keyboard shortcut: Press "Ctrl + Enter" to create a new paragraph.

Note: If you're using a Mac, you can use the "Return" key instead of the "Enter" key.

Remember, when you start a new paragraph, Word will automatically indent the first line and create a new line of text.