How to solve wrong titles on google news

The frustration of incorrect titles on Google News! Here are some steps to help you solve the issue:

1. Check the source: Sometimes, the title might be incorrect due to a mistake on the news website or publication. Try visiting the original news article to see if the title is accurate. If it's not, you can contact the publication's editor or submit a correction request.

2. Report the issue to Google: Google has a feedback form for reporting incorrect titles. You can fill out the form and provide the following information:

3. Use the "Report an error" link: On the Google News page, you'll see a "Report an error" link next to the title. Clicking on this link will open a form where you can report the issue.

4. Check for typos or formatting issues: Sometimes, the title might be correct, but there's a typo or formatting issue. Check the title carefully to see if there's a small mistake that's causing the issue.

5. Try searching for the correct title: If you're unable to find the correct title, try searching for the article on Google using keywords from the article. This might help you find the correct title or a similar article with the correct title.

6. Contact the news organization: If the issue persists, you can try contacting the news organization directly. They might be able to provide you with the correct title or help you resolve the issue.

7. Use a news aggregator: If you're experiencing issues with multiple news articles, you might want to consider using a news aggregator like Apple News or Microsoft News. These services often have their own algorithms for generating titles, which might be more accurate.

8. Check for updates: Sometimes, news articles are updated with new information, which might change the title. Check the article periodically to see if the title has been updated.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of incorrect titles on Google News.