How to send news to nigerian newspapers

Sending news to Nigerian newspapers can be a bit challenging, but I'll provide you with some general guidelines and contact information to help you get started. Please note that each newspaper may have its own specific submission guidelines, so it's essential to research and follow their requirements.

General Guidelines:

  1. Research: Identify the newspapers you want to submit your news to. Some popular Nigerian newspapers include:
    • The Punch
    • The Guardian
    • Vanguard
    • ThisDay
    • Daily Trust
    • Leadership
    • The Nation
  2. Format: Most newspapers prefer news submissions in a standard format, including:
    • A concise headline (5-7 words)
    • A brief summary (1-2 paragraphs)
    • A clear and concise news story (approx. 150-200 words)
    • Relevant images or videos (if applicable)
  3. Contact Information: Find the contact details of the newspaper's editorial team or news desk. You can usually find this information on their website or through a simple online search.
  4. Submission Methods: Newspapers may accept submissions through various channels, such as:
    • Email
    • Online submission forms
    • Phone or fax
    • In-person delivery (for local newspapers)

Specific Contact Information:

Here are some contact details for the newspapers mentioned above:

  1. The Punch:
  2. The Guardian:
  3. Vanguard:
  4. ThisDay:
  5. Daily Trust:
  6. Leadership:
  7. The Nation:

Additional Tips:

  1. Be concise: Keep your news submission brief and to the point.
  2. Fact-check: Ensure the accuracy of your news story to maintain credibility.
  3. Follow up: If you don't receive a response, consider following up with a polite phone call or email.
  4. Respect deadlines: Be mindful of the newspaper's deadlines and submission windows.

Remember to research each newspaper's specific submission guidelines and contact information to increase your chances of getting your news published. Good luck!