How to sell photos to news outlets

Selling photos to news outlets can be a lucrative way to monetize your photography skills. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Build a portfolio: Create a portfolio that showcases your best work, including a variety of photos that demonstrate your skills and style. This will help you stand out when pitching to news outlets.
  2. Research news outlets: Identify news outlets that align with your interests and expertise. Look for outlets that frequently publish photos on topics you're familiar with, such as sports, politics, or entertainment.
  3. Understand their needs: Study the types of photos each outlet typically publishes. Look for gaps in their coverage and think about how you can fill those gaps with your own photos.
  4. Create a pitch: Develop a pitch that highlights your unique perspective, the value of your photos, and why they're relevant to the outlet's audience. Keep your pitch concise and focused.
  5. Reach out to editors: Contact editors at the news outlets you've researched, introducing yourself and your work. Be prepared to send your portfolio and pitch.
  6. Use online platforms: Utilize online platforms like Getty Images, AP Images, and Newscom to sell your photos to news outlets. These platforms connect photographers with news organizations and offer a range of services, including image licensing and distribution.
  7. Negotiate rates: Be prepared to negotiate rates with news outlets. Research industry standards and be flexible, but also ensure you're getting a fair price for your work.
  8. Deliver high-quality photos: When selling photos to news outlets, ensure they're high-quality, well-edited, and captioned correctly. This will increase the chances of your photos being published.
  9. Follow up: After pitching, follow up with editors to ensure they received your materials and to answer any questions they may have.
  10. Stay organized: Keep track of your pitches, submissions, and sales using a spreadsheet or project management tool. This will help you stay organized and focused.

Additional tips:

Some popular news outlets to consider selling photos to:

Remember to always research the outlet's submission guidelines and terms before pitching your photos. Good luck!