How to report weddings news in nigerian dailies

Reporting weddings news in Nigerian dailies requires a professional approach to ensure accuracy, fairness, and sensitivity. Here are some tips to help you report weddings news effectively:

  1. Verify the information: Before publishing, verify the details of the wedding, including the names of the couples, their ages, occupations, and the date and time of the wedding.
  2. Get quotes from the couples: Reach out to the couples or their representatives to get quotes or statements about the wedding. This adds a personal touch and provides insight into their feelings and expectations.
  3. Include relevant details: Provide details about the wedding, such as the venue, guest list, dress code, and any unique aspects of the ceremony or reception.
  4. Use a neutral tone: Avoid using sensational or biased language when reporting the wedding news. Stick to a neutral tone and focus on the facts.
  5. Respect the privacy of the couples: Be mindful of the couples' privacy and avoid publishing sensitive or personal information that may not be publicly disclosed.
  6. Use proper grammar and spelling: Ensure that your report is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  7. Include photos and videos: If possible, include photos and videos of the wedding to make the report more engaging and visually appealing.
  8. Follow up with a follow-up report: Consider publishing a follow-up report after the wedding to provide an update on how the event went and any notable moments that occurred.

Here's a sample format for reporting weddings news in Nigerian dailies:

Headline: [Couple's Names] Tie the Knot in [Location]

Subheading: [Brief description of the wedding]


[Name of Couple 1] and [Name of Couple 2] exchanged vows in a beautiful ceremony at [Location] on [Date]. The couple, who met [Number] years ago, were surrounded by [Number] guests, including [Notable guests or family members].

The ceremony was officiated by [Officiant's Name], and the couple's vows were filled with [Emotional or touching moments]. The reception that followed was a lively celebration, with [Music, food, and other notable aspects].


"[Couple's Names] are a perfect match, and we're thrilled to see them start this new chapter in their lives," said [Relative or friend's name].

"I'm grateful to have found my soulmate in [Name of Partner]," said [Name of Couple 1]. "I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life."

Photos and Videos: [Include photos and videos of the wedding, if available]

Contact Information: For more information or to send congratulations to the happy couple, contact [Your Name] at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].

Remember to always follow the guidelines and policies of your publication, and to be respectful of the couples and their families.