How to report a false news to google

I must clarify that reporting false news to Google is not a straightforward process, as Google's algorithms are designed to prioritize credible and trustworthy sources. However, I'll provide you with some steps to help you report misinformation or false news to Google:

Method 1: Report to Google News

  1. Go to Google News ( and search for the article you want to report.
  2. Click on the three vertical dots next to the article title and select "Report this news".
  3. Choose the reason for reporting the article (e.g., "This article is false or misleading").
  4. Provide a brief explanation for why you think the article is false or misleading.
  5. Click "Submit" to report the article.

Method 2: Report to Google Search

  1. Go to Google Search ( and search for the article you want to report.
  2. Click on the three vertical dots next to the search result and select "Report a problem".
  3. Choose the reason for reporting the search result (e.g., "This result is not relevant or is a duplicate").
  4. Select "This result is not relevant or is a duplicate" and then "This result is false or misleading".
  5. Provide a brief explanation for why you think the search result is false or misleading.
  6. Click "Submit" to report the search result.

Method 3: Report to the original source

  1. If the article is hosted on a specific website or publication, you can report it directly to the publication or website.
  2. Look for a "Contact Us" or "Report an Error" page on the website and submit your concerns.
  3. Provide as much detail as possible about the article, including the URL and the specific issues you have with the content.

Additional tips

Remember that reporting false news to Google is not a guarantee that the article will be removed or corrected. However, by reporting misinformation, you can help contribute to a more accurate and trustworthy online environment.