How to remove uc news from android

UC News is a popular news aggregator app that provides news from various sources. If you want to remove UC News from your Android device, here are the steps:

Method 1: Uninstall UC News from Settings

  1. Go to your Android device's Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and select Apps or Application Manager.
  3. Find UC News in the list of installed apps.
  4. Tap on UC News to open its app info page.
  5. Tap on Uninstall or Uninstall/Remove to uninstall the app.

Method 2: Uninstall UC News from Google Play Store

  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) on the top left corner.
  3. Select My apps & games from the dropdown menu.
  4. Find UC News in the list of installed apps.
  5. Tap on UC News to open its app info page.
  6. Tap on Uninstall to uninstall the app.

Method 3: Disable UC News from Android's App Drawer

  1. Long-press on the UC News icon in your Android device's app drawer.
  2. Tap on Disable or Uninstall to disable or uninstall the app.

Additional Tips: