How to read news on giftalworld and make money

Giftalworld is a platform that allows users to earn rewards and cash by reading news and completing tasks. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to read news on Giftalworld and make money:

Step 1: Sign up for Giftalworld

  1. Go to the Giftalworld website ( and click on "Sign Up".
  2. Fill out the registration form with your email address, password, and other details.
  3. Verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to you by Giftalworld.

Step 2: Complete your profile

  1. Log in to your Giftalworld account and click on "Profile" from the top menu.
  2. Fill out your profile information, including your name, age, and interests.
  3. Upload a profile picture and cover photo.

Step 3: Browse and read news

  1. Click on "News" from the top menu to access the news section.
  2. Browse through the various news categories, such as politics, entertainment, sports, and more.
  3. Click on a news article that interests you and read it thoroughly.
  4. You can also use the search bar to find specific news articles or topics.

Step 4: Complete tasks and earn rewards

  1. After reading a news article, you'll be prompted to complete a task or survey related to the article.
  2. Complete the task or survey to earn rewards, such as points, cash, or gift cards.
  3. You can also earn rewards by referring friends to Giftalworld.

Step 5: Redeem your rewards

  1. Once you've accumulated enough points or cash, you can redeem them for rewards.
  2. Go to the "Rewards" section and browse through the available rewards, such as gift cards, cash, or other prizes.
  3. Choose a reward that you'd like to redeem and follow the instructions to claim it.

Tips to maximize your earnings

  1. Read news articles thoroughly to earn more points or cash.
  2. Complete tasks and surveys regularly to earn consistent rewards.
  3. Refer friends to Giftalworld to earn more rewards.
  4. Participate in discussions and engage with other users to earn more points or cash.
  5. Keep your profile up-to-date and complete to earn more rewards.

Giftalworld's payment terms

  1. Giftalworld pays out rewards in points, cash, or gift cards.
  2. The minimum payout threshold is $10 for cash and $5 for gift cards.
  3. Rewards are paid out on a monthly basis, and you can track your earnings in your account dashboard.

By following these steps and tips, you can earn rewards and cash by reading news on Giftalworld. Happy reading!