How to push to a new branch

To push your local branch to a new branch on a remote repository, you can use the following Git commands:

  1. Create a new branch: git branch <branch-name> Replace <branch-name> with the name you want to give your new branch.

Example: git branch feature/new-login-system

  1. Switch to the new branch: git checkout <branch-name> This will switch your local repository to the new branch.

Example: git checkout feature/new-login-system

  1. Make changes and commit them: Make the changes you want to commit, then commit them using git add and git commit.


git add.
git commit -m "Initial commit for new login system"
  1. Push the new branch to the remote repository: git push -u origin <branch-name> This will create a new branch on the remote repository and set the upstream tracking information.

Example: git push -u origin feature/new-login-system

The -u flag sets the upstream tracking information, which allows you to use git pull and git push without specifying the branch name.

  1. Verify the new branch: Use git branch -a to verify that the new branch has been created on the remote repository.


git branch -a
* feature/new-login-system

Now you can work on your new branch, make changes, commit them, and push them to the remote repository as needed.