How to publish on opera news

Opera News is a popular online publication that covers news, reviews, and features about opera and classical music. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to publish on Opera News:

Option 1: Submit a Guest Post

  1. Check the submission guidelines: Before submitting your article, make sure you've read and understood Opera News' submission guidelines.
  2. Choose a topic: Select a topic that's relevant to opera and classical music, and ensure it's not already covered by Opera News.
  3. Write your article: Craft a well-researched, engaging, and informative article that meets Opera News' style and tone.
  4. Submit your article: Send your article to [email protected] with the subject line "Guest Post Submission."
  5. Wait for a response: Opera News will review your submission and respond within a few days. If accepted, they'll provide guidance on editing and publishing your article.

Option 2: Become a Contributing Writer

  1. Apply to become a contributing writer: Opera News accepts applications from writers who are passionate about opera and classical music. Submit your application, including a writing sample and a brief bio, to [email protected].
  2. Wait for a response: Opera News will review your application and respond within a few weeks. If accepted, you'll be invited to submit articles on a regular basis.
  3. Submit your articles: Once you're a contributing writer, submit your articles to Opera News using their internal submission system.

Tips and Requirements

Additional Resources

Remember to carefully review Opera News' guidelines and requirements before submitting your article. Good luck!