How to publish on freecodecamp news forum post

FreeCodeCamp (FCC) has a news forum where you can share your projects, articles, or other relevant content with the community. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to publish a post on the FCC news forum:


  1. You need to have a FreeCodeCamp account. If you don't have one, create one by signing up on the FreeCodeCamp website.
  2. Make sure you have a valid GitHub account linked to your FreeCodeCamp account. This is required to verify your identity and ensure that your post is not spam.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Log in to your FreeCodeCamp account: Go to the FreeCodeCamp website and log in to your account.
  2. Click on the "News" tab: In the top navigation menu, click on the "News" tab.
  3. Click on "Create a post": On the News page, click on the "Create a post" button.
  4. Choose a category: Select a category for your post from the dropdown menu. You can choose from "Project Showcase", "Article", "Event", or "Other".
  5. Enter your post title: Enter a title for your post that accurately describes the content of your post.
  6. Write your post: Write your post in the text editor. You can format your text using Markdown syntax.
  7. Add a link to your project or article: If you're sharing a project or article, add a link to it in your post.
  8. Add relevant tags: Add relevant tags to your post to help others find it. You can use existing tags or create new ones.
  9. Upload images or files (optional): If you want to add images or files to your post, you can upload them using the "Upload files" button.
  10. Review and submit your post: Review your post to ensure everything is correct, then click the "Submit" button to publish your post.

Tips and Guidelines:

By following these steps and guidelines, you can successfully publish a post on the FreeCodeCamp news forum and share your projects, articles, or other relevant content with the community.