How to print on new line in python

In Python, you can print on a new line using the \n character. Here are a few ways to do it:

  1. Using \n:


    This will print "Hello" on one line and "World" on the next line.

  2. Using print() with multiple arguments:

    print("Hello", "World")

    This will print "Hello" and "World" on the same line, separated by a space. If you want to print them on separate lines, you can use the sep argument:

    print("Hello", "World", sep="\n")
  3. Using print() with a string and a newline character:

    print("Hello" + "\n" + "World")

    This is similar to the first example, but uses string concatenation instead of separate print() statements.

  4. Using print() with a list of strings:

    print(["Hello", "World"])

    This will print each string in the list on a new line.

  5. Using print() with a formatted string:


    This uses an f-string to insert the newline character into the string.

Note that in Python 2.x, you need to use print with parentheses, like this: print ("Hello\nWorld"). In Python 3.x, you can use print without parentheses, like this: print("Hello\nWorld").