How to post on phoenix news feed

Phoenix is a social media platform that allows users to share updates, photos, and videos with their friends and followers. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to post on Phoenix News Feed:

Posting a Text Update:

  1. Open the Phoenix app and navigate to your News Feed.
  2. Tap the "What's on your mind?" box at the top of the screen.
  3. Type in your update in the text box. You can add emojis, hashtags, and @mentions to make your post more engaging.
  4. Tap the "Post" button to share your update with your friends and followers.

Posting a Photo or Video:

  1. Open the Phoenix app and navigate to your News Feed.
  2. Tap the "Photo/Video" icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select the photo or video you want to post from your device's gallery or take a new one using the camera.
  4. Add a caption to your post by typing in the text box. You can also add hashtags, emojis, and @mentions.
  5. Tap the "Post" button to share your photo or video with your friends and followers.

Posting a Link:

  1. Open the Phoenix app and navigate to your News Feed.
  2. Tap the "Link" icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Enter the URL of the link you want to share in the text box.
  4. Add a caption to your post by typing in the text box. You can also add hashtags, emojis, and @mentions.
  5. Tap the "Post" button to share the link with your friends and followers.

Posting a Poll:

  1. Open the Phoenix app and navigate to your News Feed.
  2. Tap the "Poll" icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Create your poll by adding options and setting the duration for which the poll will be open.
  4. Add a caption to your post by typing in the text box. You can also add hashtags, emojis, and @mentions.
  5. Tap the "Post" button to share your poll with your friends and followers.

Posting a Question:

  1. Open the Phoenix app and navigate to your News Feed.
  2. Tap the "Question" icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Type in your question in the text box.
  4. Add a caption to your post by typing in the text box. You can also add hashtags, emojis, and @mentions.
  5. Tap the "Post" button to share your question with your friends and followers.

That's it! Your post will now be visible on your News Feed and your friends and followers will be able to see it.