How to post news on opera news

Opera News is a popular online platform that allows users to share news, articles, and stories about opera and classical music. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to post news on Opera News:


  1. You need to have a Opera News account. If you don't have one, create a new account by clicking on "Sign Up" on the Opera News website.
  2. Your account must be verified by Opera News. This is a one-time process that ensures your account is legitimate and helps prevent spam.

Posting News on Opera News:

  1. Log in to your Opera News account: Go to the Opera News website and log in to your account using your email and password.
  2. Click on "Write a Post": On the Opera News homepage, click on the "Write a Post" button located at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Choose a category: Select the category that best fits your news article. Opera News has several categories, including "Opera News", "Classical Music", "Dance", and more.
  4. Enter your title and summary: Enter a title for your news article and a brief summary (around 150-200 characters). This will help readers understand what your article is about.
  5. Write your article: Write your news article in the text editor provided. You can format your text using the available tools, such as bold, italic, and links.
  6. Add images and videos: You can add images and videos to your article to make it more engaging. Opera News allows you to upload images and videos from your computer or link to external sources.
  7. Set your article's visibility: You can choose to make your article public, which means it will be visible to all Opera News users, or private, which means only you and the Opera News team can see it.
  8. Submit your article: Once you've completed your article, click on the "Submit" button to publish it on Opera News.
  9. Edit and update your article: After submitting your article, you can edit and update it at any time by clicking on the "Edit" button next to your article.

Tips and Guidelines:

  1. Follow Opera News' guidelines: Opera News has specific guidelines for posting news articles, including requirements for article length, formatting, and content.
  2. Use high-quality images and videos: Opera News recommends using high-quality images and videos to make your article more engaging and visually appealing.
  3. Write informative and engaging articles: Opera News encourages writers to write informative and engaging articles that provide value to readers.
  4. Proofread your article: Before submitting your article, proofread it carefully to ensure it is free of errors and easy to read.

By following these steps and guidelines, you can successfully post news on Opera News and share your passion for opera and classical music with a global audience.