How to post news articles to android news app

To post news articles to an Android news app, you'll need to follow these general steps:

  1. Create a news article: Write and format your news article as you would for any publication. Make sure it's concise, informative, and engaging.
  2. Choose a news app: Select a news app that allows users to submit or publish their own articles. Some popular options include:
    • Medium
    • WordPress
    • Blogger
    • NewsBreak
    • AP News
  3. Create an account: Sign up for an account on the chosen news app. This will give you access to the app's publishing tools and features.
  4. Format your article: Use the app's formatting tools to add headings, images, videos, and other multimedia elements to your article.
  5. Write a compelling title and summary: Craft a catchy title and summary that will grab readers' attention and entice them to read your article.
  6. Add relevant keywords and tags: Use relevant keywords and tags to help your article get discovered by readers searching for topics related to your article.
  7. Publish your article: Once you've completed the above steps, publish your article to the news app.
  8. Promote your article: Share your article on social media, email, and other channels to reach a wider audience.

Here are some specific steps for popular Android news apps:


  1. Sign up for a Medium account.
  2. Create a new article by clicking the "+" button.
  3. Write and format your article using Medium's editor.
  4. Add a title, summary, and tags.
  5. Publish your article.


  1. Sign up for a WordPress account.
  2. Create a new post by clicking the "Add New" button.
  3. Write and format your article using WordPress's editor.
  4. Add a title, summary, and categories.
  5. Publish your article.


  1. Sign up for a Blogger account.
  2. Create a new post by clicking the "New Post" button.
  3. Write and format your article using Blogger's editor.
  4. Add a title, summary, and labels.
  5. Publish your article.


  1. Sign up for a NewsBreak account.
  2. Create a new article by clicking the "Create Article" button.
  3. Write and format your article using NewsBreak's editor.
  4. Add a title, summary, and tags.
  5. Publish your article.

AP News

  1. Sign up for an AP News account.
  2. Create a new article by clicking the "Create Article" button.
  3. Write and format your article using AP News's editor.
  4. Add a title, summary, and tags.
  5. Publish your article.

Remember to follow each app's guidelines and formatting requirements to ensure your article is published successfully.