How to post a video on opera news

Opera News is a popular platform for opera enthusiasts to share their love for opera, and posting a video on Opera News can be a great way to showcase your passion and connect with others. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to post a video on Opera News:


  1. You need to have a Opera News account. If you don't have one, create an account by downloading the Opera News app or visiting the Opera News website.
  2. Make sure your video is in a compatible format (e.g., MP4, MOV, AVI) and is not too large ( Opera News recommends videos under 100MB).

Posting a video on Opera News:

  1. Open the Opera News app or website: Launch the Opera News app on your mobile device or visit the Opera News website on your computer.
  2. Tap on the "+" icon: On the Opera News app, tap on the "+" icon at the bottom of the screen. On the website, click on the "Post" button at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select "Video": Choose "Video" as the post type.
  4. Upload your video: Select the video file from your device or enter the video URL if it's already hosted online.
  5. Add a title and description: Enter a title and description for your video. This will help others understand what your video is about.
  6. Add tags: Add relevant tags to your video to make it easier for others to find.
  7. Choose a category: Select a category for your video, such as "Opera Performance," "Behind the Scenes," or "Interview."
  8. Set the video's visibility: Choose whether you want your video to be public, private, or only visible to your followers.
  9. Post your video: Click "Post" to upload your video to Opera News.

Tips and Variations:

By following these steps and tips, you can successfully post a video on Opera News and share your passion for opera with the community.