How to pitch freelance documentary ideas to a news agency

Pitching freelance documentary ideas to a news agency can be a competitive process, but here are some steps to help you increase your chances of success:

  1. Research the agency: Study the agency's website, social media, and previous documentaries to understand their style, tone, and areas of focus. This will help you tailor your pitch to their specific interests.
  2. Develop a strong concept: Come up with a unique, engaging, and well-researched documentary idea that addresses a current issue or tells a compelling story. Make sure it's concise and easy to understand.
  3. Create a pitch document: Write a brief document (1-2 pages) that includes:
    • A clear and concise summary of your documentary idea
    • A brief overview of the story, including the main characters, setting, and conflict
    • A description of the themes and issues explored in the documentary
    • A rough outline of the documentary's structure and pacing
    • Any relevant research or background information
  4. Include a treatment or outline: Provide a more detailed treatment or outline of your documentary, including:
    • A scene-by-scene breakdown of the documentary
    • A list of potential interviewees and their roles
    • A rough estimate of the documentary's length and format (e.g., 30-minute, 1-hour, 2-part series)
  5. Highlight your expertise: If you have relevant experience or expertise in the subject matter, highlight it in your pitch. This could include your background in journalism, filmmaking, or research.
  6. Showcase your visual style: If you have a portfolio or samples of your previous work, include them in your pitch. This could be a reel of your previous documentaries, a selection of still images, or a rough cut of a scene.
  7. Be prepared to discuss logistics: Be prepared to discuss the logistics of producing the documentary, including:
    • Your budget and funding plan
    • Your timeline and production schedule
    • Your plans for distribution and marketing
  8. Follow up: After submitting your pitch, follow up with the agency to confirm receipt and express your enthusiasm for the project. This can help keep your idea top of mind and demonstrate your professionalism.
  9. Be open to feedback and revisions: Be prepared to receive feedback and revisions from the agency. This is a normal part of the pitching process, and it can help you refine your idea and make it more appealing to the agency.

Some additional tips to keep in mind:

Some popular news agencies that accept freelance documentary pitches include:

Remember to research each agency's specific submission guidelines and requirements before pitching your idea. Good luck!