How to perform a combo breaker in mortal kombat unchained

A combo breaker in Mortal Kombat: Unchained is a special move that allows a player to break out of a combo and counterattack their opponent. Here's how to perform a combo breaker in the game:

Basic Combo Breaker:

  1. Press the "Block" button (usually the "X" button on the PSP) just as your opponent is about to hit you with the next attack in their combo.
  2. If timed correctly, your character will perform a quick block and counterattack, breaking the combo and giving you an opportunity to counterattack.

Advanced Combo Breaker:

  1. To perform an advanced combo breaker, you need to press the "Block" button and then immediately press the "Attack" button (usually the "O" button on the PSP) while still blocking.
  2. This will perform a more powerful counterattack, which can be a high-priority attack that can hit your opponent even if they're trying to combo you again.
