How to name a new born baby in islam

In Islam, naming a newborn baby is a significant ritual that is believed to have a profound impact on the child's life. Here are some guidelines on how to name a newborn baby in Islam:

Choosing a Name:

  1. Meaning: The name should have a good meaning and reflect the child's characteristics, such as beauty, strength, or wisdom.
  2. Prophetic Names: It is recommended to choose a name that is mentioned in the Quran or the Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad).
  3. Family Tradition: The name should be in line with the family's tradition and cultural heritage.
  4. Avoiding Blasphemy: The name should not be associated with any idol or deity, and should not be a name that is considered blasphemous in Islam.

Naming Ceremonies:

  1. Aqiqah: The naming ceremony is usually performed on the 7th day after birth, and is known as Aqiqah. This ceremony involves sacrificing an animal (usually a goat or sheep) and distributing the meat among the poor and needy.
  2. Naming: The child is given a name during the Aqiqah ceremony, and the name is usually announced publicly.
  3. Tahnik: After the naming ceremony, the child's head is gently touched with a small amount of dates or honey, which is believed to bring blessings and protection.

Islamic Names:

Here are some popular Islamic names for newborn babies:

For Boys:

  1. Muhammad (the Prophet's name)
  2. Ali (meaning "exalted")
  3. Ahmed (meaning "praiseworthy")
  4. Ibrahim (meaning "father of many")
  5. Abdullah (meaning "servant of Allah")
  6. Omar (meaning "long life")
  7. Hassan (meaning "handsome")
  8. Husain (meaning "good")
  9. Amir (meaning "prince")
  10. Khalid (meaning "eternal")

For Girls:

  1. Fatima (the Prophet's daughter's name)
  2. Aisha (the Prophet's wife's name)
  3. Maryam (meaning "blessed")
  4. Amina (meaning "trustworthy")
  5. Fatima (meaning "abundance")
  6. Jamila (meaning "beautiful")
  7. Hana (meaning "happiness")
  8. Sara (meaning "princess")
  9. Nour (meaning "light")
  10. Zainab (meaning "fragrant flower")


  1. Consult with Family: Involve your family members in the naming process to ensure everyone is happy with the chosen name.
  2. Research: Research the meaning and significance of the name to ensure it aligns with your values and beliefs.
  3. Avoid Uncommon Names: Avoid giving your child a name that is uncommon or unheard of, as it may cause confusion or difficulties in the future.

Remember, the most important thing is to choose a name that is pleasing to Allah and reflects your child's unique identity.