How to move multiple sheets in excel to new workbook

There are a few ways to move multiple sheets in Excel to a new workbook. Here are a few methods:

Method 1: Using the "Move or Copy" dialog box

  1. Select the sheets you want to move by checking the boxes next to them in the "Sheet tab" of the "View" tab in the ribbon.
  2. Right-click on one of the selected sheets and choose "Move or Copy" from the context menu.
  3. In the "Move or Copy" dialog box, select "Create a copy" and then choose "New book" from the "Before sheet" dropdown menu.
  4. Click "OK" to create a new workbook with the selected sheets.

Method 2: Using the "Save As" dialog box

  1. Select the sheets you want to move by checking the boxes next to them in the "Sheet tab" of the "View" tab in the ribbon.
  2. Go to the "File" tab in the ribbon and click on "Save As".
  3. In the "Save As" dialog box, select "Excel Workbook" as the file type and choose a location to save the new workbook.
  4. In the "Save as type" dropdown menu, select "Excel Workbook (.xlsx)".
  5. Click "Save" to create a new workbook with the selected sheets.

Method 3: Using VBA code

  1. Open the Visual Basic Editor by pressing "Alt + F11" or by navigating to "Developer" tab in the ribbon and clicking on "Visual Basic".

  2. In the Visual Basic Editor, insert a new module by clicking "Insert" > "Module" or by pressing "Alt + F11".

  3. Paste the following code into the module:

    Sub MoveSheetsToNewWorkbook()
     Dim ws As Worksheet
     Dim newWB As Workbook
     ' Select the sheets you want to move
     For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
         If ws.Name Like "Sheet1" Then
             ' Create a new workbook
             Set newWB = Workbooks.Add
             ' Move the sheet to the new workbook
             ws.Move After:=newWB.Sheets(newWB.Sheets.Count)
         End If
     Next ws
    End Sub
  4. Replace "Sheet1" with the name of the sheet you want to move.

  5. Click "Run" to execute the code and move the selected sheets to a new workbook.

Method 4: Using Power Query

  1. Select the sheets you want to move by checking the boxes next to them in the "Sheet tab" of the "View" tab in the ribbon.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab in the ribbon and click on "From Other Sources" > "From Microsoft Query".
  3. In the "Query Editor", select the sheets you want to move by checking the boxes next to them in the "Tables" pane.
  4. Click "Load" to load the selected sheets into a new workbook.

Note: The above methods will create a new workbook with the selected sheets. If you want to move the sheets to an existing workbook, you can modify the code or use the "Move or Copy" dialog box to move the sheets to a specific location in the existing workbook.