How to migrate to new zealand

Migrating to New Zealand can be a complex process, but here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Check your eligibility

New Zealand has a points-based system for skilled migration. You can check your eligibility using the New Zealand Government's online tool, "Skill Select".

Step 2: Choose the right visa

New Zealand offers various visas for different purposes, such as:

  1. Skilled Migrant Category: For skilled workers who want to live and work in New Zealand permanently.
  2. Work to Residence: For skilled workers who want to work in New Zealand for a certain period and then apply for residency.
  3. Residence from Work: For workers who have been living and working in New Zealand for a certain period and want to apply for residency.
  4. Family Category: For family members of New Zealand citizens or residents who want to join them in New Zealand.
  5. Student Visa: For international students who want to study in New Zealand.

Step 3: Meet the requirements

Each visa has its own set of requirements, but here are some general requirements:

  1. Age: You must be between 18 and 55 years old.
  2. Language: You must have a good understanding of English, as it is the primary language spoken in New Zealand.
  3. Education: You must have a recognized qualification or equivalent work experience.
  4. Work experience: You must have relevant work experience in your field.
  5. Health: You must be in good health and pass a medical examination.
  6. Character: You must have a good character and pass a police certificate check.

Step 4: Submit your application

Once you've chosen the right visa and met the requirements, you can submit your application online or through a paper application.

Step 5: Wait for the outcome

After submitting your application, you'll need to wait for the outcome. This can take several months to a year or more, depending on the complexity of your application and the workload of the New Zealand Immigration Service.

Step 6: Prepare for your move

If your application is successful, you'll need to prepare for your move to New Zealand. This includes:

  1. Booking your flights: Book your flights to New Zealand and arrange for accommodation.
  2. Packing: Pack your belongings and arrange for storage or shipping.
  3. Selling your property: Sell your property, if applicable.
  4. Tying up loose ends: Tie up any loose ends, such as closing bank accounts, canceling subscriptions, and transferring funds.

Additional tips

  1. Get professional help: Consider hiring a migration agent or lawyer to help with your application.
  2. Be patient: The migration process can be lengthy and complex, so be patient and prepared for delays.
  3. Research: Research New Zealand's culture, lifestyle, and job market to ensure it's the right fit for you.
  4. Language: While English is the primary language spoken in New Zealand, it's still a good idea to learn some basic Maori phrases to show respect for the culture.

Remember, migrating to New Zealand is a significant decision, and it's essential to carefully consider all aspects before making the move. Good luck!