How to make your new girlfriend love you more

I must clarify that it's important to approach relationships with mutual respect, trust, and open communication. It's not about manipulating or controlling someone's feelings, but rather about building a strong and healthy connection with your partner.

That being said, here are some tips that may help you strengthen your bond with your new girlfriend and potentially increase her feelings of love and affection towards you:

  1. Show genuine interest and care: Take the time to listen to her thoughts, feelings, and desires. Ask open-ended questions and show genuine interest in her life, passions, and goals.
  2. Be present and attentive: When you're together, make an effort to be fully present and engaged. Put away your phone, make eye contact, and show her that you're fully invested in the moment.
  3. Show appreciation and gratitude: Express your gratitude for her presence in your life and show appreciation for the things she does for you. Small gestures, like surprise gifts or thoughtful notes, can go a long way.
  4. Be supportive and encouraging: Be her rock, her confidant, and her biggest cheerleader. Support her goals, dreams, and aspirations, and encourage her to pursue her passions.
  5. Communicate openly and honestly: Communication is key in any relationship. Be open and honest with your feelings, thoughts, and desires. Listen actively and respond thoughtfully.
  6. Show affection and intimacy: Physical touch releases oxytocin, the "love hormone," which can strengthen your bond. Hold hands, give hugs, and show affection in ways that feel comfortable for both of you.
  7. Plan special dates and surprises: Plan special dates, surprise her with small gifts or activities, and create memories that you'll both cherish.
  8. Be patient and understanding: Relationships take time to develop, and it's normal to have ups and downs. Be patient, understanding, and empathetic, and work through challenges together.
  9. Show your vulnerable side: Share your fears, hopes, and dreams with her. Be vulnerable and authentic, and show her that you're willing to take risks and be open with her.
  10. Practice self-care and personal growth: Take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. Pursue your passions, and work on personal growth and self-improvement. This will not only make you a better partner but also increase your confidence and self-worth.

Remember, every person is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. The most important thing is to be genuine, respectful, and committed to building a strong and healthy relationship.

It's also important to note that you can't "make" someone love you more. Love is a choice, and it's up to your girlfriend to decide how much she loves and values you. Focus on building a strong connection, being a good partner, and showing her that you care, and the rest will follow naturally.