How to make website appear on google news

To make your website appear on Google News, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Meet Google News' requirements:

Before you start, ensure your website meets Google News' requirements:

2. Register your website:

Register your website with Google News by filling out the Google News application form. You'll need to provide the following information:

3. Verify your website:

Once you've submitted your application, Google will review your website to ensure it meets their requirements. If approved, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to verify your website.

4. Add a sitemap:

Create a sitemap for your website and submit it to Google Search Console. A sitemap helps Google understand your website's structure and content.

5. Use a news-specific schema:

Use schema markup on your website to help Google understand the news-related content. You can use the NewsArticle schema type to mark up your articles.

6. Optimize your website for search:

Optimize your website for search engines by:

7. Promote your website:

Promote your website through social media, email newsletters, and other channels to increase your website's visibility and credibility.

8. Monitor and improve:

Monitor your website's performance in Google News and adjust your strategy accordingly. Improve your website's content, structure, and optimization to increase your chances of appearing in Google News.

Additional tips:

By following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of making your website appear on Google News.