How to make the braking news pictures

You're referring to the iconic Breaking News graphics used by CNN and other news organizations!

To create a similar Breaking News graphic, you'll need some design skills and software. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:


  1. Adobe Photoshop: A popular image editing software that's ideal for creating graphics like Breaking News.
  2. Adobe Illustrator: A vector graphics editor that's great for creating logos, icons, and other graphics that require precise control.

Design Elements:

  1. Background: A bold, bright color (e.g., red, yellow, or orange) to grab attention.
  2. Text: A clear, easy-to-read font (e.g., Arial, Helvetica, or sans-serif) in a contrasting color to the background.
  3. Graphics: Simple, bold shapes (e.g., rectangles, triangles, or circles) to add visual interest.
  4. Icon: A simple icon (e.g., a red circle with a white "B" or a bold, red "BREAKING" stamp) to reinforce the message.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Method 1: Using Photoshop

  1. Create a new document in Photoshop with a bold, bright background color (e.g., #FF0000 for red).
  2. Add a text layer with the desired font and text color (e.g., white or a contrasting color).
  3. Type "BREAKING NEWS" or your desired message in all capital letters.
  4. Use the "Type" tool to adjust the font size, style, and alignment as needed.
  5. Add a simple graphic element (e.g., a red rectangle or triangle) to the design using the "Shape" tool.
  6. Use the "Layer" panel to adjust the opacity, blending mode, and position of the graphic element.
  7. Save the design as a JPEG or PNG file.

Method 2: Using Illustrator

  1. Create a new document in Illustrator with a bold, bright background color (e.g., #FF0000 for red).
  2. Use the "Type" tool to create a text layer with the desired font and text color (e.g., white or a contrasting color).
  3. Type "BREAKING NEWS" or your desired message in all capital letters.
  4. Use the "Shape" tool to create a simple graphic element (e.g., a red rectangle or triangle).
  5. Use the "Path" tool to adjust the shape and position of the graphic element.
  6. Use the "Layer" panel to adjust the opacity, blending mode, and position of the graphic element.
  7. Save the design as an EPS or SVG file.

Tips and Variations:

Remember, the key to creating an effective Breaking News graphic is to keep it simple, bold, and easy to read. By following these steps and tips, you can create a design that grabs attention and communicates the importance of the news.