How to make news site with wordpress

Creating a news site with WordPress involves several steps, including setting up the website, choosing a theme, installing plugins, and configuring the site's layout and functionality. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Set up the website

  1. Choose a domain name and web hosting service. You can register a domain name through a registrar like GoDaddy or Namecheap, and choose a web hosting service like Bluehost, SiteGround, or HostGator.
  2. Install WordPress on your website. Most web hosting services offer a 1-click WordPress installation process. Alternatively, you can manually install WordPress by downloading the software from and uploading it to your website.

Step 2: Choose a theme

  1. Browse the WordPress theme directory or third-party marketplaces like ThemeForest or Mojo-Themes to find a theme that suits your news site's style and layout.
  2. Choose a theme that is responsive, clean, and easy to navigate. Some popular news themes include:
    • Newspaper
    • NewsMag
    • Newsmag Pro
    • Magazine
  3. Install the theme by uploading it to your website or using the theme's built-in installation process.

Step 3: Install plugins

  1. Install the following essential plugins to enhance your news site's functionality:
    • Yoast SEO: for search engine optimization
    • Jetpack: for security, performance, and traffic insights
    • Akismet: for spam comment filtering
    • Contact Form 7: for creating contact forms
    • Social Warfare: for social sharing buttons
  2. Install other plugins as needed, such as:
    • WP Rocket: for caching and performance optimization
    • WP Super Cache: for caching and performance optimization
    • Gravity Forms: for creating forms and surveys

Step 4: Configure the site's layout and functionality

  1. Customize the theme's settings to match your news site's style and layout. This may include changing the color scheme, font sizes, and layout.
  2. Create categories and tags to organize your news articles. This will help readers find related articles and make it easier to manage your content.
  3. Set up a news archive page to display a list of all your news articles.
  4. Create a contact page with a contact form to allow readers to submit feedback or questions.
  5. Set up social media sharing buttons to encourage readers to share your articles on social media platforms.

Step 5: Create and publish news articles

  1. Create a new post by clicking on the "Add New" button in the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Enter the title, content, and categories for your news article.
  3. Add images, videos, or other multimedia content to enhance the article.
  4. Use the Yoast SEO plugin to optimize your article's meta title, description, and keywords.
  5. Publish your article and make it visible to the public.

Step 6: Promote your news site

  1. Share your news articles on social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
  2. Engage with your readers by responding to comments and creating a community around your news site.
  3. Optimize your website for search engines by using relevant keywords and meta tags.
  4. Consider creating a newsletter or email subscription service to keep readers informed about new articles and updates.

By following these steps, you can create a professional-looking news site with WordPress that attracts and engages readers.