How to make news like gist

Gist is a popular Nigerian news website that provides concise and informative summaries of news stories. To make news like Gist, follow these steps:

  1. Identify a news story: Choose a news story that you think is relevant and interesting to your audience. You can use online news sources, social media, or traditional news outlets to find stories.
  2. Read and understand the story: Read the news story thoroughly to understand the main points, key players, and any relevant context.
  3. Identify the key points: Identify the most important information in the story, such as the who, what, where, when, and why. This will help you to summarize the story concisely.
  4. Write a concise summary: Write a brief summary of the story, focusing on the key points you identified. Aim for a length of around 100-150 words.
  5. Use a clear and concise writing style: Use simple and clear language to convey the information. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your audience.
  6. Add relevant details: Add any relevant details that help to illustrate the story, such as quotes, statistics, or background information.
  7. Use a catchy headline: Write a headline that grabs the reader's attention and accurately reflects the content of the story.
  8. Include relevant images or videos: Add relevant images or videos to help illustrate the story and make it more engaging.
  9. Edit and proofread: Edit and proofread your summary to ensure it is accurate, concise, and free of errors.

Here's an example of how you could write a news summary like Gist:

Headline: "FG Launches New Initiative to Boost Agriculture in Nigeria"

Summary: The Federal Government has launched a new initiative aimed at boosting agriculture in Nigeria. The initiative, which is worth N10 billion, will provide funding and support to small-scale farmers across the country. According to the Minister of Agriculture, the initiative is designed to increase food production and reduce the country's reliance on imported food. The program will also create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

Additional details: The initiative will be implemented in partnership with the private sector and will focus on the production of staple crops such as rice, maize, and soybeans. The program will also provide training and capacity-building for farmers to improve their skills and productivity.

Image: A photo of the Minister of Agriculture launching the initiative, or a picture of a farmer working in a field.

Remember to always fact-check and verify the accuracy of the information you are reporting.