How to make breaking news meme

The art of creating a breaking news meme! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you craft your own:

Materials needed:

  1. A news headline or a serious-sounding phrase (e.g., "BREAKING: [insert ridiculous news here]")
  2. A funny image or graphic (e.g., a cat, a dog, a meme character, or a screenshot from a TV show/movie)
  3. A photo editing software or app (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Canva, or GIMP)
  4. A sense of humor (optional, but highly recommended)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Choose your headline: Pick a serious-sounding phrase or a news headline that's ripe for parody. Make sure it's attention-grabbing and ridiculous enough to warrant a meme.
  2. Select your image: Choose an image that complements your headline. It could be a funny animal, a meme character, or even a screenshot from a TV show/movie. The key is to make it visually appealing and humorous.
  3. Edit the image: Use your photo editing software or app to add the headline to the image. You can use a text tool or a caption box to add the text. Make sure it's large enough to be readable, but not so large that it overwhelms the image.
  4. Add humor (optional): If you want to take your meme to the next level, add some humor to the image. You could add a funny caption, a speech bubble, or even a red circle with a line through it (à la "This is fine" meme).
  5. Save and share: Save your meme as an image file (e.g., JPEG or PNG) and share it on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Reddit.

Tips and Variations:


Remember, the key to creating a successful breaking news meme is to be creative, humorous, and attention-grabbing. Happy meme-making!