How to make an old photo look new in photoshop

The art of photo restoration! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make an old photo look new in Photoshop:

Before you start:

  1. Scan or import the photo: Scan the photo at a high resolution (at least 300 DPI) or import it from your digital camera or phone.
  2. Save a copy: Save a copy of the original photo before making any changes. This will ensure you have a backup in case something goes wrong.

Step 1: Remove dust and scratches

  1. Use the Spot Healing Brush: Select the Spot Healing Brush tool (J) and set the brush size to around 50-100 pixels. Brush over the dust and scratches to remove them.
  2. Use the Clone Stamp Tool: If the Spot Healing Brush doesn't work, use the Clone Stamp Tool (S) to clone a clean area of the photo over the dust or scratch.

Step 2: Adjust brightness and contrast

  1. Use the Levels adjustment: Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels (Ctrl+L) and adjust the black, white, and gray points to balance the brightness and contrast.
  2. Use the Curves adjustment: Go to Image > Adjustments > Curves (Ctrl+M) and adjust the curve to fine-tune the brightness and contrast.

Step 3: Remove fading and yellowing

  1. Use the Color Balance adjustment: Go to Image > Adjustments > Color Balance (Ctrl+B) and adjust the color balance to remove yellowing or fading.
  2. Use the Hue/Saturation adjustment: Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation (Ctrl+U) and adjust the hue and saturation to remove any unwanted color casts.

Step 4: Enhance details and texture

  1. Use the Unsharp Mask filter: Go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask (Ctrl+Shift+F) and adjust the settings to enhance the details and texture.
  2. Use the Surface Blur filter: Go to Filter > Blur > Surface Blur (Ctrl+Shift+F) and adjust the settings to smooth out the texture while preserving the details.

Step 5: Remove tears and creases

  1. Use the Content-Aware Fill: Select the torn or creased area and go to Edit > Content-Aware Fill (Ctrl+Shift+Delete). Photoshop will fill the area with a matching background.
  2. Use the Clone Stamp Tool: If the Content-Aware Fill doesn't work, use the Clone Stamp Tool (S) to clone a clean area of the photo over the tear or crease.

Step 6: Save and export

  1. Save the edited photo: Save the edited photo as a new file (e.g., JPEG or TIFF).
  2. Export the photo: Export the edited photo in the desired format and resolution.

Tips and Variations:

Remember, photo restoration is an art that requires patience, attention to detail, and practice. Don't be afraid to experiment and try different techniques to achieve the best results.