How to make a news report video

Creating a news report video requires some planning, research, and technical skills. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make a news report video:


  1. Choose a topic: Select a newsworthy topic that is relevant to your audience. Make sure it's timely and has a clear angle.
  2. Research: Gather information about the topic by reading articles, watching videos, and conducting interviews. Take notes and organize your findings.
  3. Create an outline: Write a script or outline for your news report, including the introduction, main points, and conclusion.
  4. Plan your visuals: Decide on the type of visuals you'll need to support your report, such as B-roll footage, interviews, or graphics.
  5. Schedule your shoot: Plan your shoot dates and times, and book any necessary locations or equipment.


  1. Record your audio: Use a good quality microphone to record your voiceover or interview audio. You can use a smartphone app or a dedicated audio recorder.
  2. Shoot your video: Use a camera or smartphone to record your video. Make sure the lighting is good, and the camera is stable.
  3. Capture B-roll footage: Record additional footage that supports your report, such as scenes related to the story or interviews with experts.
  4. Conduct interviews: Record interviews with experts, witnesses, or people affected by the story. Make sure to ask clear and concise questions.
  5. Capture graphics and animations: Create graphics and animations to support your report, such as maps, charts, or infographics.


  1. Edit your video: Use video editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve, to assemble your footage and audio.
  2. Add transitions and effects: Use transitions and effects to make your video more engaging and visually appealing.
  3. Add music and sound effects: Add music and sound effects to enhance the mood and atmosphere of your video.
  4. Add captions and subtitles: Add captions and subtitles to make your video more accessible and easier to understand.
  5. Export your video: Export your video in a suitable format, such as MP4 or MOV, and compress it to reduce its file size.

Final touches

  1. Review and revise: Review your video and make any necessary revisions to ensure it's accurate, engaging, and well-structured.
  2. Add a title and credits: Add a title and credits to your video, including your name, the date, and any other relevant information.
  3. Upload and share: Upload your video to a video sharing platform, such as YouTube or Vimeo, and share it with your audience.

Tips and best practices

  1. Keep it concise: Keep your video concise and to the point, ideally between 2-5 minutes long.
  2. Use a clear and concise script: Use a clear and concise script to guide your narration and ensure your message is clear.
  3. Use high-quality visuals: Use high-quality visuals to support your report, including good lighting, sound, and camera work.
  4. Be objective: Be objective and impartial in your reporting, and avoid sensationalism or bias.
  5. Fact-check: Fact-check your report to ensure accuracy and credibility.

By following these steps and tips, you can create a professional-looking news report video that engages your audience and conveys your message effectively.