How to list your blog on opera mini news feed

Opera Mini is a popular mobile web browser, and listing your blog on its news feed can help increase your online visibility and reach a wider audience. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to list your blog on Opera Mini news feed:


  1. Your blog must be a publicly accessible website with a valid RSS feed (XML).
  2. Your blog must be in a language supported by Opera Mini (currently, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).

Step 1: Verify your blog's RSS feed

  1. Check if your blog has a valid RSS feed (XML) by searching for "yourblogname.xml" or "yourblogname/rss" in your browser's address bar.
  2. If your blog doesn't have a valid RSS feed, you may need to configure your blog's settings to enable RSS feed generation.

Step 2: Register your blog on Opera Mini's blog directory

  1. Go to Opera Mini's blog directory:
  2. Click on "Add a blog" and fill in the required information:
    • Blog title
    • Blog URL
    • RSS feed URL (the URL of your blog's RSS feed)
    • Blog description (optional)
    • Categories (optional)
  3. Click "Submit" to register your blog.

Step 3: Wait for approval

  1. Opera Mini's team will review your blog submission to ensure it meets their guidelines and is suitable for their news feed.
  2. This process may take a few days to a week.

Step 4: Verify your blog's listing

  1. Once your blog is approved, you'll receive an email notification from Opera Mini.
  2. Log in to your Opera Mini account and go to the blog directory.
  3. Search for your blog and verify that it's listed correctly.

Tips and considerations:

  1. Make sure your blog's RSS feed is up-to-date and contains relevant content to attract Opera Mini users.
  2. Opera Mini's news feed is curated, so your blog's content may not be displayed immediately.
  3. Opera Mini's team may remove your blog from the news feed if it doesn't meet their guidelines or if your blog's content is deemed inappropriate.
  4. Opera Mini's news feed is available in multiple languages, so consider translating your blog's content to reach a broader audience.

By following these steps, you can list your blog on Opera Mini's news feed and increase your online visibility among Opera Mini users.