How to link copied news to its original source

Linking copied news to its original source is an important practice in journalism and online publishing, known as "attribution" or "linkback." Here are some ways to do it:

  1. Use a link: When copying a news article, include a link to the original source in your text. This can be done using HTML code or a link generator tool. For example: "According to link..."
  2. Use a citation tool: There are several citation tools available that can help you generate a link to the original source. Some popular options include:
    • Zotero: A free, open-source citation tool that can generate links to original sources.
    • Mendeley: A citation tool that allows you to generate links to original sources and also provides a plagiarism detection feature.
    • EasyBib: A citation tool that generates links to original sources and also provides a plagiarism detection feature.
  3. Use a linkback service: There are several linkback services available that can help you generate a link to the original source. Some popular options include:
    • LinkBack: A service that generates links to original sources and also provides a plagiarism detection feature.
    • Copyscape: A service that generates links to original sources and also provides a plagiarism detection feature.
  4. Use a news aggregator: If you're copying news from a news aggregator like Google News or Apple News, you can often find the original source by clicking on the "Source" or "Original Article" link.
  5. Use a browser extension: There are several browser extensions available that can help you generate links to original sources. Some popular options include:
    • NewsGuard: A browser extension that provides a link to the original source and also provides a rating of the credibility of the news source.
    • FactCheck: A browser extension that provides a link to the original source and also provides a fact-checking feature.

Remember to always verify the accuracy of the information you're copying and to provide proper attribution to the original source.