How to learn new words fast

Here are some effective ways to learn new words quickly:

  1. Read widely: Reading is one of the best ways to learn new words. Expose yourself to different genres, authors, and topics to increase your vocabulary.
  2. Use flashcards: Create flashcards with words on one side and their meanings on the other. Review them regularly to help you memorize new words.
  3. Play word games: Games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Wordoku can help you learn new words in a fun and engaging way.
  4. Listen to audiobooks: Listening to audiobooks can help you learn new words in context, which can improve your retention and understanding.
  5. Watch TV shows and movies with subtitles: Watching TV shows and movies with subtitles can help you learn new words in context and improve your listening and reading skills.
  6. Use online resources: Websites like Quizlet,, and Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day can provide you with a daily dose of new words and their meanings.
  7. Learn prefixes, suffixes, and roots: Many words share common prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Learning these can help you decipher unfamiliar words and expand your vocabulary more quickly.
  8. Practice active recall: Instead of simply passively reading or listening to new words, actively try to recall their meanings. Quiz yourself or test your knowledge with flashcards.
  9. Use mnemonics: Create mnemonics to help you remember new words. For example, you can create a sentence or image that associates with the word.
  10. Learn in context: Learn new words in context, rather than just memorizing their definitions. This can help you understand how to use them in sentences and improve your retention.
  11. Use spaced repetition: Review new words at increasingly longer intervals to help solidify them in your long-term memory.
  12. Learn from songs and poetry: Songs and poetry can be a fun and engaging way to learn new words. Pay attention to lyrics and try to understand the meanings of unfamiliar words.
  13. Use vocabulary apps: Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Vocabulary Builder can provide you with interactive vocabulary lessons and games.
  14. Join a book club or discussion group: Joining a book club or discussion group can help you learn new words in a social and interactive way.
  15. Keep a vocabulary journal: Keep a journal to record new words you learn and review them regularly. This can help you track your progress and reinforce your learning.

Remember, learning new words takes time and practice. Consistency is key, so try to set aside a few minutes each day to learn and review new words.