How to kill frank new dawn

Frank New Dawn is a formidable opponent in the game, and defeating him requires a combination of strategy, skill, and the right equipment. Here are some tips to help you kill Frank New Dawn:

  1. Choose the right weapon: Frank New Dawn is a tough opponent, so you'll need a weapon that can deal significant damage. Consider using a high-damage weapon like a shotgun or a sniper rifle.
  2. Use cover: Frank New Dawn is a fast and agile opponent, so use cover to avoid taking damage. Look for objects like crates, walls, or pillars to hide behind and take potshots at him.
  3. Flank him: Frank New Dawn is a bit of a glass cannon, so try to flank him and attack him from the side or rear. This will make it harder for him to dodge your attacks.
  4. Use explosives: Frank New Dawn is vulnerable to explosives, so consider using grenades or rocket launchers to take him down.
  5. Keep moving: Frank New Dawn is a fast opponent, so keep moving and don't stay in one spot for too long. This will make it harder for him to hit you.
  6. Use your environment: Frank New Dawn is a bit of a one-trick pony, so use your environment to your advantage. Look for objects like pipes, vents, or electrical wires to use as makeshift weapons or to distract him.
  7. Play defensively: Frank New Dawn is a aggressive opponent, so play defensively and focus on avoiding his attacks. Use your shield to block his attacks and wait for an opening to strike back.
  8. Use your abilities: If you have any special abilities, such as a dash or a stun attack, use them to get the upper hand against Frank New Dawn.
  9. Stay patient: Frank New Dawn is a tough opponent, so stay patient and don't get discouraged if you don't kill him right away. Keep trying and use your skills and abilities to whittle him down.
  10. Practice makes perfect: Finally, practice makes perfect. The more you play against Frank New Dawn, the more you'll learn his patterns and weaknesses, and the better you'll be able to take him down.

Remember, killing Frank New Dawn is just the beginning. After you defeat him, you'll need to face even tougher opponents and challenges. Good luck!