How to install windows on a new pc

Installing Windows on a new PC is a relatively straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through it:


  1. Backup your data: Before installing Windows, make sure to backup any important files or data on an external hard drive or cloud storage service.
  2. Download the Windows installation media: Go to the Microsoft website and download the Windows installation media (ISO file) that matches your PC's architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).
  3. Create a bootable USB drive: Use a tool like Rufus or Microsoft's Media Creation Tool to create a bootable USB drive from the ISO file.
  4. Disable Secure Boot: If your PC has Secure Boot enabled, you'll need to disable it to install Windows. Check your PC's BIOS settings to do so.


  1. Insert the USB drive: Insert the bootable USB drive into your PC.
  2. Restart your PC: Restart your PC and enter the BIOS settings (usually by pressing F2, F12, or Del).
  3. Set the USB drive as the first boot device: Set the USB drive as the first boot device in the BIOS settings. Save the changes and exit the BIOS settings.
  4. Boot from the USB drive: Your PC should now boot from the USB drive. You'll see the Windows installation screen.
  5. Select your language and other preferences: Choose your language, time zone, and other preferences.
  6. Accept the licensing agreement: Read and accept the Windows licensing agreement.
  7. Choose the installation type: You can choose to perform a clean installation, upgrade an existing installation, or repair an existing installation.
  8. Partition your hard drive: You'll need to partition your hard drive to create a new Windows installation. You can choose to erase the entire drive or create a new partition.
  9. Install Windows: The installation process will begin. This may take some time, depending on the speed of your PC and the size of the installation.
  10. Activate Windows: Once the installation is complete, you'll need to activate Windows using a valid product key.
  11. Set up your PC: You'll be prompted to set up your PC, including creating a user account, setting up your network, and installing any necessary drivers.


  1. Install drivers: Install any necessary drivers for your PC's hardware, such as graphics cards, sound cards, or network cards.
  2. Install updates: Install any available Windows updates to ensure your PC is running with the latest security patches and features.
  3. Install software: Install any necessary software, such as antivirus programs, productivity software, or games.

That's it! With these steps, you should be able to successfully install Windows on your new PC.