How to install new fonts

Installing new fonts on your computer or device can be a bit tricky, but I'm here to guide you through the process. Here are the steps for installing new fonts on different platforms:


  1. Download the font file: Find the font file you want to install and download it to your computer. The file should have a .ttf or .otf extension.
  2. Extract the font file (if necessary): If the font file is compressed (e.g., .zip or .rar), extract it to a folder on your computer.
  3. Install the font:
    • Right-click on the font file and select "Install" (or "Install for all users" if you want to install it for all users on the computer).
    • Alternatively, you can install the font by copying the font file to the following location:
      • Windows 10/8: C:\Windows\Fonts
      • Windows 7: C:\Windows\Fonts (or C:\Windows\System32\Fonts for 64-bit systems)
  4. Restart your computer: After installing the font, restart your computer to ensure the font is recognized by your operating system.

Mac (macOS):

  1. Download the font file: Find the font file you want to install and download it to your computer. The file should have a .ttf or .otf extension.
  2. Install the font:
    • Double-click on the font file to open it in the Font Book app.
    • Click on the "Install Font" button in the top-right corner of the Font Book window.
    • Alternatively, you can install the font by copying the font file to the following location:
      • ~/Library/Fonts (for user-specific fonts)
      • /Library/Fonts (for system-wide fonts)
  3. Restart your computer: After installing the font, restart your computer to ensure the font is recognized by your operating system.


  1. Download the font file: Find the font file you want to install and download it to your computer. The file should have a .ttf or .otf extension.
  2. Install the font:
    • Copy the font file to the following location:
      • /usr/share/fonts/truetype (for system-wide fonts)
      • ~/.local/share/fonts (for user-specific fonts)
    • Update the font cache by running the following command:
      • sudo fc-cache -f -v
  3. Restart your computer: After installing the font, restart your computer to ensure the font is recognized by your operating system.

Additional tips: